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  • Anna Campbell

Pahoa, Hawai'i - How I got Here (Solo Travel)

I've been feeling the call of Hawai'i for quite some time now. It has been my number one destination since I was a kid, dreaming about Luau's and playing ukulele on the beach surrounded by the Pacific Ocean watching the most beautiful pink and orange sunset, which of course was idilic but hey, everyone's got those perfect vacation dreams right?

That Hawaiian dream didn't come true for me as a kid so for while it was out of my mind, but this past year throughout my awakening of conciousness and awareness of self, that inkling of my pull to Hawai'i came back into play. I realized that in order to truly connect back to myself and figure out what I really want out of the rest of my life, Hawai'i had to be a part of it. But this time, I didn't want some cheesy romaticized touristy five day trip just to relax on the beach and wear a coconut bra, I wanted to be able to connect back to mother earth, absorb her beauty, meet and hear the stories of humans who have found that connection and are living a lifestyle outside the norm, bring myself to peak wellness through the foods I put into my body, and discover direction to help guide me through my journey.

So I began manifesting, putting what I wanted out into the universe, visualizing my ideal experience, and I found Kanekiki, an off-the-grid fruit farm and raw vegan community in the jungle of Pahoa on the Big Island of Hawai'i. Kanekiki values a thriving whole foods plant based low-fat raw food diet and as a new(ish) vegan, this was very appealing to me. Everything about Kanekiki felt so right and in my gut I just knew this was where I needed to be.

I've now been on the island for 3 weeks and have been relishing every second of it. I needed the time and space to quiet my mind and to ground myself back into the present moment. I have deleted all of my social media for the time being and it is truly so freeing. Instead of mindlessly scrolling, I spend my days here reading, writing, listening to podcasts, playing music and singing, preparing wonderful raw vegan meals, having meaningful conversations with others, and staring at the beautiful nature that surrounds me while letting my mind wander. Every day at Kanekiki I am feeling more and more like myself and I am forever grateful for the time I get to spend here and the connections I am making.

Look out for a more in depth post on Kanekiki coming soon!

Picture taken by my good friend Gracyn Bocon at the secret "Mermaid Ponds" a close 45 minute walk from our farm.

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